Tuesday, May 13, 2014

João Alexandre

João Alexandre

(em búlgaro: Иван Александър - Ivan Aleksandǎr) foi o imperador da Bulgária entre 1331 e 1371 durante o Segundo Império Búlgaro. Seu longo reinado é considerado um período de transição na história medieval da Bulgária. Além de lidar com problemas internos e ameaças externas, particularmente dos vizinhos, o Império Bizantino e a Sérvia, João também recuperou a economia e estimulou um renascimento cultural e religioso em seu império. Porém, as cada vez mais poderosas incursões do Império Otomano, as invasões húngaras pelo noroeste e a Peste Negra se mostraram demais para ele. Numa malfadada tentativa de combater todos estes problemas, ele dividiu seu país entre seus dois filhos, obrigando a Bulgária a enfrentar os otomanos dividida e enfraquecida.

João Alexandre era o filho do despotes Esracimir de Kran com Keratsa Petritsa (Petrica), uma irmã de Miguel Asen III, seu tio. Pelo lado do pai, João era também descendente dos Asen. Em 1330, ele também foi nomeado despotes e governava a cidade de Lovech. Junto com o pai e o sogro, Bassarabe I da Valáquia, participou da derrota para os sérvios na Batalha de Velbazhd, travada em Kyustendil em 1330. A derrota combinada com a deterioração das relações com os bizantinos precipitou uma crise interna, exacerbada ainda mais por uma invasão do Império Bizantino. Um golpe de Estado expulsou João Estêvão de Tarnovo em 1331 e os conspiradores colocaram João Alexandre no trono.

source : Wikipedia

Moon Power

Moon Power

am i alone looking out my window
sun rises in my window warms me
the same window at night is the moon
full moon here again full circle

i am not alone higher powers look down
grant us peace if we are willing to accept
take the full moon take in its power
remember you are not alone, breath

fall asleep under the moon
it is our sun at night
make a wish
fight the fight adhere to the strength


The Tree of Life

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The Tree of Life

The tree of life, I climb today,
So hard
to climb,
Try different ways
Life breeze
is blowing,
It swings, it sways
I hold on
I climb, I pray,
I won’t fall.
I have

Fly like a bird


Fly like a bird

If i could fly like a
bird i would fly so very
high. I would soar through
the sky leaving all my
worries behind.

If i could fly like a bird
my face would touch the
clouds while my
feathers hit the ground
as the wind cools me

If i could fly like a bird
time would slow me down
giving me time to enjoy the
peace that surrounds all
around. If i could fly like
a bird swift as a light i know for
a fact i would love this graceful

by Javon Evans

They Know Not My Heart


They Know Not My Heart
Written by: Thomas Moore

They know not my heart, who believe there can be
One stain of this earth in its feelings for thee;
Who think, while I see thee in beauty's young hour,
As pure as the morning's first dew on the flower,
I could harm what I love, -- as the sun's wanton ray
But smiles on the dew-drop to waste it away.

No -- beaming with light as those young features are,
There's a light round thy heart which is lovelier far:
It is not that cheek -- 'tis the soul dawning clear
Through its innocent blush makes thy beauty so dear:
As the sky we look up to, though glorious and fair,
Is look'd up to the more, because Heaven lies there!

Around the Corner


Around the Corner

Around the corner I have a friend,
in this great city that has no end.
Yet the days go by and weeks rush on,
and before I know it, a year is gone.

And I never see my old friends face,
for life is swift and a terrible race.
He knows I like him just as well,
as in the days when I rang his bell.

And he rang mine, if we were younger then,
and now we are busy, tired men.
Tired of playing a foolish game,
Tired of trying to make a name.

"Tomorrow" I say," I will call on Jim"... "
Just to show that I'm thinking of him".
But tomorrow comes and tomorrow goes,
and distance between us grows.

Around the corner!- yet miles away,
"here's a telegram sir" "Jim died today".
And thats what we get and deserve in the end.
Around the corner, a vanished friend.

by: Henson Towne




Now I lay me down to study,
I pray the Lord I won't go nutty.

If I should fail to learn this junk,
I pray the Lord I will not flunk.

But if I do, don't pitty me at all,
Just lay my bones in the study hall.
Tell my prof I did my best,
Then pile my books upon my chest.

Now I lay me down to rest,
And pray I'll pass tomorrow's test.

If I should die before I wake,
That's one less test I'll have to take.

by: Nancy